Adding Manuka Honey into your daily routine is a great way to boost your immune system. Manuka honey isn’t just any honey it has antibiotic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Manuka honey is a type of honey that originates from Australia and New Zealand, and it is produced by the bees that pollinate flowers found on Manuka bushes a kind of tea tree. The antibacterial effects of Manuka honey are a lot higher than other honey counterparts; actually, it's about 100 times higher than other traditional honey! Manuka honey has anti-bacterial, antioxidant properties, with a lower PH than most honey’s so, it is wonderful at promoting optimal wound healing (also great for cuts and scrapes).
This particular honey has high levels of antimicrobial activity can distribute and kill bacteria. For example, streptococcus (Strep throat, Strep) and Staphylococcus (Strap infections) So, if you feel a cold coming on you can start with one teaspoon in the morning and a teaspoon in the evening. My personal favorite is adding one teaspoon of Manuka honey to warm lemon and ginger water.