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  • Writer's pictureradiantholistichea7

How Sugar Impact your Health

Sugar can rewire the brain’s pathway, because sugar is more additive than Cocaine. Having a Diet full of processed heavily sugar and carbohydrates foods can increase the risk of depression by 58%!

When sugar bombards your body, protein incorporate it as a part of their structure, causing aging, wrinkles, and effecting collagen and elasticity of your skin.

Excess sugar can impair blood flow everywhere but specially to your genitals; by increasing your risk of erectile dysfunction in men also effecting sexual arousal disorders in women.

Sugar inflames the lining of the arteries very much effecting the heart, which will increase the risk of heart attack and stroke!

Sugar overload can damage the Kidneys extremely delicate filtration system. Therefore, the main cause for individuals with diabetes is kidney failure. So, this is a great time to ask yourself why is there such an increase amount of people with Kidney failure?

High sugar also greatly effects our joints. Increased sugar diets pump inflammatory cytokines (we are all familiar with this term after Covid-19) into your blood steam, which will exacerbate arthritis.

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