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Why People Choose Our Services

I use personalized nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, individualized nutritional supplements, stress management techniques, assistance with detoxification, and lifestyle modification to help restore optimal bodily function and balance. I choose to evaluate how cells function, repair, and maintain health. These processes are all related and predict how your body functions including: immune system function, role of inflammation, how environment toxins impact cellular function, the role of genetics and how it impacts biochemistry, hormones production and balance, detoxification pathways, parasitic infections, nutrient absorption and delivery, neurotransmitter balance, and gut (microbiome) health.


Our food choices affect our level of anxiety, depression, and immune function, but they can also protect us from developing diseases/illnesses and infections, while turning good genes on and bad genes off!



Mindset is everything!

"The Mind is its own place and, in itself can make a heaven of a hell or a hell of heaven"

-John Milton



With the right diet and mindset in place, life can be full of freedom, gratitude, and blessings. And most

importantly, we can help protect ourselves from dis-ease and illness. 


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About Me

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I am a board-certified Holistic Nutritionist. I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Biology. I have two medical licenses one in Radiography and one in Computed Tomography scan.  I'm driven, passionate, and determined. I love learning, becoming more educated, quiet time/meditation, reading, researching, yoga, walking/running, and spending time with my family.


I have always been extremely passionate about health, fitness, and nutrition, but after I got sick, my passion for nutrition grew far deeper as I learned how and what the body needs to heal. I have learned about the importance of nutrition and how it can truly change your life as well as the importance of having mental agility. The stories we tell ourselves and our beliefs are extremely important when it comes to how illnesses develop. My goal is to help people heal their entire body from suffering caused by any illness.

I know what it's like to suffer. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease after the birth of my first son. It caused me severe anxiety, insomnia, adrenal fatigue, thyroid dysfunction, brain fog, hormonal imbalances, toxic overload, and severe food sensitivities. I was able to put my autoimmune disease in remission. Now, I am thriving; I’m full of energy, my hormones are balanced, and I am sleeping 8-9 hours every night.


What is a Holistic Nutritionist

The conviction of holistic nutrition is that one’s health is an expression of the complex interchange between the physical, environmental, chemical, mental, spiritual, as well as emotional aspects of one’s life and being.


Professionals who are trained in holistic nutrition approach health and healing from a whole-person perspective. Nutritional education is used as a primary means, and holistic nutrition professionals emphasize the building of health by approaching each person as an individual. This requires fully engaging the individual in their health recovery process and honoring their innate wisdom by working in an empowering and cooperative manner to work towards optimal health.


My approach is patient-centered rather than disease centered. I look at the body holistically, as a collection of interconnected functional systems in relation to its environment. In this way, by nature, investigative and evidence-based, I can use diagnostic tools and laboratory testing to identify subtle dysfunctions or imbalances. Healing holistically looks beyond the surface level to get to the root cause.


All treatment plans are customized appropriately to individual patient needs, and patients are diligently involved in the healing process.

Organic Vegetables

United States

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